What should I do if I can’t buy a decent Land Rover Defender? Start a new company and build it yourself

Decades ago, when the auto market was freest, there was such a trend in the aftermarket in developed countries. As long as those car enthusiasts had enough financial resources, they could build their own car factories in their own garages, and then Build your favorite car yourself, and then legally drive it on the road.

What should I do if I can't buy a decent Land Rover Defender? Start a new company and build it yourself

Of course, such a situation has become rare now, and more often, the car modification companies and dealers in the aftermarket undertake this part of the work. However, rare does not mean that there is no such thing. For example, the owner of a British chemical company created a brand new car brand – Ineos in 2017. The reason for the establishment of this brand is also very simple, because Land Rover discontinued the old model. Defender, so that this boss can no longer buy the classic Land Rover Defender – since he can’t buy it, he simply makes it himself.

What should I do if I can't buy a decent Land Rover Defender? Start a new company and build it yourself

After more than three years of preparation, Ineos’ first product, Grenadier, has taken shape. The same as the original intention when Ineos was established, this is a hard-core off-road vehicle that is now rare.

What should I do if I can't buy a decent Land Rover Defender? Start a new company and build it yourself

Judging from the exposed road test spy photos, Grenadier is obviously influenced by the old Land Rover Defender and Mercedes-Benz G-Class in the shape of the vehicle, showing a square and tough appearance as a whole. Under the action of the non-load-bearing body structure, the whole vehicle also presents a sense of handsomeness that is rarely seen in the SUV field. In terms of styling alone, Ineos Grenadier is easy to gain the favor of users.

What should I do if I can't buy a decent Land Rover Defender? Start a new company and build it yourself

According to the information currently published on its official website, the new Grenadier will be equipped with an in-line six-cylinder engine from BMW and related technologies from BMW. In terms of chassis, the new car will provide hard-axle front and rear axles, and its axles will be provided by Carraro, which specializes in the production of tractor axles, which means that the transmission structure of this car will be very strong. It can fully withstand the output of high torque.

What should I do if I can't buy a decent Land Rover Defender? Start a new company and build it yourself

According to the plan, Ineos Grenadier will be officially unveiled at the end of this year. To be honest, I am really looking forward to the first product created by this British “new power” car manufacturer.