Yan Zhaomen’s Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

As for Jinxiu Shengtang Mountain, the memory is both clear and fuzzy. What is clear is that I climbed from the mountainside to the top of the mountain with sister Liu Yuqun and Zhao Wenjun, and then quickly and half-run down the mountain. It took less than five hours. There is always that bend in my memory. The situation of running on the road that opens out of the cliff; the vagueness is that I can’t remember how many bends there are, and how far the road is… I just came down the mountain and secretly made up my mind never to come again, never to come again, that year was about 2002, right? !

When having supper on Friday night after seventeen years, the beauty Ru Wei said to go to Jinxiu, the Rhododendron Festival, all-inclusive, couldn’t help all kinds of temptations, and drove to Jinxiu overnight, in the darkness, I didn’t know how many times I fell into it all the way. There were so many bumps and bumps, and my tires were so distressed. I ran all the way and finally arrived at Panwang Valley safely.

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Originally, I had no plan to climb the mountain. I thought that I would arrange to participate in various activities. In fact, I didn’t. I thought it would be a waste of time not to go up to the mountain to see the azaleas during the Rhododendron Festival? In the early morning of the next day, I decided to climb the mountain to see the flowers. Unexpectedly, I went out late and encountered road closures in the city. After finally getting out of the city, I took the wrong road halfway to Shengtang Lake. The more I walked, the worse it was. I stopped and asked next Old man, the old man said that I am going to Jinxiu County, you can take me out and I will show you the way, so I took the old man’s car and turned around, and went straight to Shengtang Mountain… At the foot of Shengtang Mountain, there are many people, and buying tickets to go up the mountain depends entirely on Wenjun The hero used his three-headed and six-armed technique to get it done, but the mountain was overcrowded, there was no parking space in the parking lot on the mountainside, and there was a traffic jam halfway, making it impossible to get up or down. How to do? Boss Wenjun decisively said to eat and wait. I ordered the bamboo tube braised pork and Shiya vegetable soup. They are delicious. The braised pork is crispy but not greasy. Soup and rice are full, let’s climb the mountain

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

It’s past two o’clock in the afternoon when we arrived at the parking lot on the mountainside. Is it too late? Can you get to the top of the mountain? With so many questions, I set off before I had time to think about it. After walking less than 100 meters, I was so tired that I was dizzy and couldn’t lift my legs. Wenjun: Climb, you just pass the bottleneck period. Well, let’s stick with it. Hey, there is a shortcut, and there is a warning sign saying that you are not allowed to go, can you go? Climb up to save a section of the road, I climbed, save the road; the second shortcut, can you go? Go, climb up again, hey, it’s easy to save the road; the third shortcut intersection? Climb or not? Looking up, the difference from the previous two is that this time I can’t see the exit above, and there is a picky thing next to me to persuade me not to take this path. At this time, two handsome guys climbed up laughingly, I hesitated Yes, I also climbed up, and I still heard the picker say that I am a staff member, and I told you not to go this way, as long as there is no accident…

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Because I just walked with my head down and didn’t look up at the road, I didn’t know how long I walked, and I didn’t know the direction. When I stopped suddenly, I found a long gravel slope. Small stones cascaded down and stagnated here. I was a little scared. I was stepping on a pumice stone. With a little force, the stone would loosen, slide down, and roll down. The stone pulled by the hand would move with a little force. What should I do? ! The shouts of the two handsome guys came from the front, step aside, grab the branches of the bushes next to them, step on them firmly, and walk slowly.

In this way, climbed over the rocky slope. It was later discovered that this is a glacier relic. Five million years ago, Shengtang Mountain was attacked by Quaternary mountain glaciers. These stones that were scoured very smooth were the stones that disintegrated that year. After passing the rocky slope, there were more bushes and weeds, soft mud and rotten leaves under the feet, and the road became steeper and more steep. In the ears, only the sound of the wind, birdsong and my own breathing could not be heard. The sound of tourists frolicking, There seems to be a road and there seems to be no road in front of us, but from time to time we find beverage bottles and plastic bags left by people, which seem to give us hints that this is the road traveled by our predecessors. At this time, I was already at the front of the team. I felt that the more I climbed, the more I could not find the way.

While reporting the news to my teammates loudly, I turned my head and walked to the left, and I couldn’t go far. It is impossible to turn back. There are too many rocks, and if you don’t pay attention, you will slip to nowhere. How to do? At this time, 1.2 million thoughts flashed through my mind, I got lost, where am I now? Will it be impossible to get out? What if it gets dark? There is only a bottle of water and a few candies in the backpack, what should I do if I am hungry? How do you stay up in the cold in the middle of the night? Are there any snakes? How to call for help? There is no cell phone signal here!

She is dead, and it seems that she is about to become an internet celebrity. Maybe a piece of news will break out tomorrow: a female teacher from a famous school in Liuzhou refused to listen to dissuasion, and climbed the mountain by herself, lost contact, and searched and rescued to no avail. At this time, Handsome Zhang was commanding from behind, exploring the road on both sides, and reported that there was no road. He decisively ordered to retreat down the mountain, and let him find the road again. Finally, he heard him say that he would retreat 20 meters and advance to the left, and go down the cliff. It is difficult to walk in the shrub and weed forest. The road is very narrow and about 40 centimeters wide, and the right side is a steep slope. After walking for about twenty minutes, I finally heard human voices. It was like the sound of heaven. When I returned to the world, a big stone in my heart finally fell to the ground…

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

There are rules in life, rules in games, rules in society, and life is full of rules. If you play cards against the rules, if you get lucky once or twice, can you be lucky for a lifetime? If it is small, you will lose your property, if it is big, you will lose your life. Violation of the rules is not feasible, and everything needs to be cautious…|Take a break, move on, check the time, I will not waste a minute, keep moving, and keep asking about the return journey Tourists, how much time is left to reach the top? Every answer is a basin of ice water. I secretly plan to reach the top of the mountain around five o’clock. Stay for a while to rest. Climb, climb, from the corner of your eyes, you can see the azalea blooming on the edge of the cliff, see the tender buds blooming, see the small wild flowers falling from the mountain by the spring, see the clouds rising and drifting in the valley; The distant wind blows over the forest tops, the chirping of birds in the mountains not far away, and the chirping of insects nearby… But, I have no time to stop.

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

While I was on my way, I was entangled, should I definitely go to the top of the peak? Slowing down, I admired the flowers, looked at the scenery and listened carefully. What regrets do I have? In a person’s life, many people walk too concentratedly and in a hurry like this, except for work, overtime, that is, work and overtime, or entangled in the love and hatred between people and cannot get out, waiting for you to slow down life Rhythm, and found that life has come to an end, only to realize how many beautiful things in life have been ignored along the way?

I suddenly understood the practice of famous scholars in the Jin Dynasty who returned after they were exhausted. They did it when they were interested, and returned when they were interested, without worrying about whether they completed their original purpose. Have you lived another extreme? Running all the way, Rhododendron Festival, there are not many flowers, a few scattered here and there, bringing you a little surprise at the corner from time to time.

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain

Walking fast all the way, thinking all the way, in fact, I went to the top of the peak to pray for the high school entrance examination, and I couldn’t stop. I finally sprinted to the top of the peak as planned, took pictures and recorded it, and immediately went down the mountain, running all the way, and arrived at 18:31 Wait at the drop off point. It took four and a half hours. So far, Jinxiu’s trip to Shengtang Mountain has come to an end… I went down the mountain and waited for the bus, and finally took a beautiful photo

Yan Zhaomen's Surprise and No Danger Sacred Church Mountain