Alxa Heroes will become China’s largest car off-road event brand

As the National Day is approaching, the annual off-road e-family Alxa Heroes Meeting has once again touched the hearts of countless off-road enthusiasts across the country and the world, and has become the focus of domestic and foreign tourists.

Alxa Heroes will become China's largest car off-road event brand

Heroes meeting

Alxa Heroes will become China's largest car off-road event brand

A corner of the hero meeting place

On September 17, the reporter walked into the venue of the Heroes Club located in the Tengger Desert—the off-road e-family Alashan Heroes Club Dream Desert Auto Aviation Culture Theme Park. Looking from both sides of the flat asphalt Hero Avenue in the endless sand sea, there are neat and orderly facilities such as racing camp area, business display area, cross-country desert competition area, aviation experience area, leisure and entertainment area, and comprehensive service area. In the desert, cultural and creative sculptures of various shapes are scattered in the theme park, which is magnificent and shocking. It is understood that this year, the 14th off-road e-family Alxa Heroes Meeting with the theme of “Celebrating the Birthday with the True Colors of Heroes” will be held in the Tengger Desert of Alxa Left Banner from October 1st to 5th. This hero meeting will launch three main lines, six major sections, and more than 50 activities.

Alxa Heroes will become China's largest car off-road event brand

racing through the desert

Alxa Heroes will become China's largest car off-road event brand

The racing car soars into the air, exciting and thrilling

Alxa Heroes will become China's largest car off-road event brand

A corner of the field

Alxa Heroes will become China's largest car off-road event brand

extreme fighting

Alxa Heroes will become China's largest car off-road event brand

air show

Alxa Heroes will become China's largest car off-road event brand

vehicle display

Since its permanent establishment in Alxa in 2011, the off-road e-family Alxa Heroes Club has developed rapidly and has become the world’s largest off-road carnival and China’s largest auto off-road event brand. Especially in recent years, with the goal of creating an international tourist destination and the creation of a national demonstration zone for all-for-one tourism, Alashan has taken the cross-country e-family Alxa Heroes Meeting as an important measure to promote the development of all-for-one tourism and four-season tourism. According to the national 5A Level tourist attractions standards, the construction of cross-country e family Alxa dream desert car aviation culture theme park project, speed up the improvement of supporting infrastructure, and actively plan the Alxa Heroes event. Today, the off-road e-family Alashan Heroes Club has become a booster to promote the development of global tourism and four-season tourism and a unique cultural tourism brand. Every year during the Golden Autumn Festival held in October, in the vast and boundless Tengger Golden Sand Sea, colorful flags flutter in the wind, the roar of motors resounds through the sky, and the voices of people are full of enthusiasm. Off-roaders from all over the world and from all corners of the country gather in the vast desert of Tengger. Overnight, the Alxa City of Dreams became a city that never sleeps, where millions of people gather. Hundreds of thousands of vehicles and millions of off-roaders indulge in the golden sand sea, challenge the peak limit, and enjoy the ultimate experience .

Alxa Heroes will become China's largest car off-road event brand

Drivers from all over the world take a photo together

Alxa Heroes will become China's largest car off-road event brand

The audience picked up their mobile phones to take pictures of the wonderful scene of the game

Alxa Heroes will become China's largest car off-road event brand

After the race, the winning drivers took a group photo on the roof of the car

Alxa Heroes will become China's largest car off-road event brand

Displays of various folk customs arouse strong interest of tourists

Source: Inner Mongolia client

Reporter: Liu Hongzhang

Edit: Sharina

Monitoring: Lu Yanxia