Batch export to overseas markets Chery New Energy’s internationalization is accelerating

Recently, 110 units of Chery’s new energy vehicle Arrizo 5e sailed across the ocean to Brazil, a South American country. This is the second batch of pure electric vehicles sent by Chery New Energy to the “Football Kingdom”, marking that Chery’s new energy vehicle globalization strategy has entered a new stage of development. It is worth mentioning that Chery’s new energy vehicle market performance in June was also particularly impressive, with a total of 7,253 new vehicles sold, a month-on-month increase of 74.1% and a year-on-year increase of 14.2%.

Batch export to overseas markets Chery New Energy's internationalization is accelerating

In the eyes of the outside world, Chery New Energy’s continuous market recognition is inseparable from Chery’s new energy vehicle development plan and international development strategy.

Sitting on 20 years of new energy technology accumulation

Technology is the foundation of Chery’s development. As the first domestic automaker to master engine, automatic transmission, chassis, engine management system (EMS) and platform technologies through independent innovation, Chery also has profound accumulation in new energy technology. It is understood that Chery has been researching and developing energy-saving and new energy vehicles since 1999, and has established a new energy technology research and development system with vehicle integration, core technology, and core component development capabilities, and has applied for more than 900 patents. More than 600 patents have been authorized, ranking in the forefront of the industry.

In addition, Chery has formulated the “457” development plan, which includes four new energy product platforms, five general-purpose subsystems and seven core technologies, covering pure electric, hybrid, extended range, fuel cell and other technologies.

Batch export to overseas markets Chery New Energy's internationalization is accelerating

Chery’s fourth-generation hydrogen fuel cell vehicle

In terms of new energy products, Chery will gradually cover various market segments in the future, including A-class to C-class sedan products and B-class to D-class SUV products, covering plug-in hybrid, pure electric, extended-range electric vehicles, New energy vehicles with electric four-wheel drive and hydrogen fuel cells. At present, Chery has successfully developed four generations of fuel cell vehicles, which can be filled with hydrogen in 3 minutes and have a maximum cruising range of 700 kilometers. It can be said that Chery has sufficient technical reserves and product series in the field of new energy to meet the current and future market demand for new energy vehicles.

Create super product power with global quality

As one of the domestic auto companies that researched and developed new energy vehicles earlier, Chery New Energy has always had a solid quality foundation, continuously innovated the manufacturing process with front-end technology, and created super product strength.

Take Chery New Energy’s star model “Little Ant” series products as an example. It is China’s first new energy pure electric vehicle built with a lightweight all-aluminum body. “The whole vehicle has an extraordinary performance that is different from its peers in terms of acceleration, energy saving, and safety collision performance, providing users with a safer and more reliable green travel solution.

Batch export to overseas markets Chery New Energy's internationalization is accelerating

On June 24, the 100,000th “Little Ant” electric vehicle officially rolled off the production line at the Wuhu-Chery New Energy Chengnan Plant, becoming China’s first pure electric vehicle with production and sales exceeding 100,000 units. The newly upgraded 2019 Little Ant also It was officially listed on the 28th of the same month.

It is worth mentioning that, in the product development process, Chery has established a matrix product development model in which the product development management center and various technical centers cross-cooperate, forming a “V”-shaped research and development system and process for vehicle product development. It has laid a solid foundation for creating high-quality products and establishing an excellent brand.

Global deployment speeds up the pace of “going out”

With the continuous improvement of the overall image of “Made in China” and the deepening of the “Belt and Road” construction, overseas markets have more room for development, which also creates good conditions for China’s new energy vehicles to accelerate “going out”. Relying on the brand advantage of Chery Automobile, which has ranked first in the export of passenger vehicles in China for 16 consecutive years, Chery New Energy has long designed a clear path to globalization. Through the continuous output of technology, quality and products, promote the localization strategy, and become the leading brand of Chinese new energy vehicles in overseas markets.

Batch export to overseas markets Chery New Energy's internationalization is accelerating

In the future, Chery’s new energy products will further build a strong product matrix, covering various market segments one after another, and continue to expand the technical advantages of products in terms of light weight and intelligence to meet the needs of users in different travel scenarios, thereby enhancing Chery’s participation in the global market. The ability to compete in the market helps Chery enter a new era of global development.