I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

Last year, under the influence of the Internet celebrity crossing route in the South Taihang Grassland of Huixian County, a crossing route with large stone slopes at both ends and a beautiful ridge in the middle was developed on the west mountain of Qihe Wetland. The scenery is even more beautiful. Spectacular, the degree of difficulty is also greater.

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

The elder brother in the group gave some special products a few years ago, but he has not picked them up due to work reasons. I went home for two days while I was resting, and I planned to go to the office with my brother to have a drink and chat, but as soon as the painting style changed, I went to the line of Qihe Xishan. The last time my brother planned to take a crossing route, but unfortunately he came to the foot of the mountain, but he went back because he was in a hurry, leaving regrets in his heart; and because I was not at home often, I only knew about this route through the circle of friends , my heart is full of freshness, so I set off so happily.

Leading the way was Xiao Huang, the team leader this time, who was also in charge of the rescue for two days.

The appetizer before going up the mountain is also the baptism of the car paint.

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

Start climbing and accept the baptism of stones on tires and chassis.

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

This route really confirms the saying, “In fact, there is no road on the ground, but when there are many people walking, it becomes a road .”

There was indeed no road before, only the sheep herders would come up.

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

The whole city is behind

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

Immediately climbed to the first small hill, except for the stones on the road, you don’t need to pay attention to it, the slope is not too high.

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

Walking on a mountain ridge and conquering a mountain is also a difficult mountain.

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

The Traka has a long wheelbase, so walk with caution.

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

gravel road

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

Let Xiao Huang go up first, and check the road conditions by the way

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

When I got to three-fifths of the way, the car turned off and couldn’t start anymore.

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

I really couldn’t find out where the fault was, so I had to call my friends from the Yamashita Repair Shop to come and help. People who have never participated in off-roading, just bring tools and drive an off-road vehicle up the mountain to repair the car!

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

At first I thought it was a small fault, but later I suspected that there was a problem with the ignition system, so I had to go down the mountain to get some accessories, but the failure remained the same when I replaced them with new ones. At one time, I suspected that I had offended the mountain god, so I went down the mountain to buy some firecrackers.

As night fell, the temperature on the mountain became lower and lower. For safety reasons, we decided to leave the car overnight and repair it tomorrow.

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

Telaka just spent the night alone with the mountain wind blowing…

Early the next morning, I took the tools up the mountain to start repairing. This time it was determined that the belt had skipped teeth.

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

A small black dot in the distance waited all night.

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

For the sake of safety, when the car was about to be repaired, a few more cars were found to prepare for rescue.

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

To be conservative, the upper winch is pulling, and this side is going at a low speed.

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

The car is quite powerful, basically no winch is needed, and it starts up half a slope.

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

After repairing, it was already past two o’clock in the afternoon, and I planned to go down the mountain and choose another day to fight again.

When leaving, pull down all the garbage on the mountain.

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain

I went down the mountain with regret, but I also left a reason for the next trip…

I wanted to challenge the stone mountain, but it took two days to go down the mountain