Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (2)

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (2)

Three years ago, I came to Hunza for the first time. I stayed in the hotel in the middle of the night in shock. The moment I opened the window the next morning, I was so amazed by the scenery in front of me that I couldn’t help myself.

Although I hadn’t been to Xinjiang at that time, I felt that the scene in front of me was very similar to the imagined Xinjiang.

Three years later, I set off from Xinjiang and checked into the same hotel again. When I opened the window, most of the leaves had withered.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (2)

I never expected to get the same touch twice in the same place, but at this moment, I still clearly saw the jumping and jumping self back then.

We are always moving forward, whether you like it or not, every second is passing away, only those good things remain and become memories.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (2)

So having memories means having happiness.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (2)

After eating something, I went out. When I went to the street, I found that all the shops were closed. I thought it was the off-season of tourism, so the shops were closed. It was later learned that because of opposition to the government’s unreasonable increase in taxes, all the shops participated in the strike.

Today is the first day of the strike, and in the next few days, a large number of shops in this area will be closed.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (2)

Although economic development is relatively backward, such rights of democracy and freedom are still enviable to us.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (2)

Walking towards the castle according to memory, the street was basically empty, and it was this time that made us feel the enthusiasm of the locals.

When we got into the alley, we were invited into the house by enthusiastic locals. Since the three of us all live in Tashkurgan, we are used to the enthusiasm of the Tajiks, and we regard this place as the Tajik countryside, so we followed into the house without any hesitation.

After entering, I found that except for the people who look like Tajiks, the clothing and house structure are also very similar, and the diamond-shaped structure of the skylight is almost exactly the same.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (2)

Despite the communication barrier, the host treated us with apples.

Being a guest of a local family is a wonderful travel experience for us.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (2)

After I came out, I continued to wander around. I met a house repairer. A group of people were working hard on the roof. When they saw us passing by, they greeted us warmly. It happened to be their tea break time, so they invited us to drink tea with them.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (2)

When they found out that we were Chinese, they were even more enthusiastic. Drink tea and eat cakes on the roof, a pleasant lunch.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (2)

After eating, I was invited to another person’s house and met a 95-year-old grandma. I knew before that Hunza has the title of Longevity Town in the World. This grandma is 95 years old, her body is still very strong, her thinking is very clear, and she moves freely. She doesn’t look like she is going to be a centenarian at all.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (2)

After I came out, I remembered that we were going to the ancient castle, and continued to climb the mountain. When I arrived at the ancient castle, I bought tickets for my companions. I didn’t want to go in because I had been there, so I planned to buy two tickets, but the conductor asked me why I only bought two tickets. , Tell him that I have already been there, and he invites me to go in with my companion as an interpreter.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (2)

In this way, I evaded the ticket for the first time in a fair manner.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (2)

In the past, the Hunza area was ruled by a king, and everything had to be approved by the king. Although the power of the king has been replaced by the government, the king still exists. It just doesn’t have real power anymore.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (2)

On the way back, I thought of a Tajik lyric, singing “If there is only sadness left in the world, then only you and I have good things in the sea, and that is our love.”

Hunza is a place where people can easily think of getting old. Every plant and tree here is quietly getting old.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (2)

If you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start quickly, and if you love someone, you want to grow old with him.

Here, getting old is not scary, on the contrary, it is more exciting.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (2)

Travel is really a very personal sense, so it is difficult to answer questions such as whether a place is fun, beautiful, safe or not.

Because everything is relative, it has something to do with the people you met, the things you felt, the weather, and the culture. So this question seems meaningless.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (2)

Like this time, there was a strike, no shops were open, no place to eat, bad weather, not beautiful leaves, cold, no bath, but I still thought it was a time because of two apples and a cup of tea, and the smiles of a few locals Excellent trip.