Personally test Zhengzhou Nissan pickup truck duo to experience the fun of off-road driving

From September 7th to 9th, the second season of Zhengzhou Nissan Pickup Champion Experience Camp came to Luzhou, Sichuan. More than 100 consumers and national media gathered in the town of Huangxun to compete in the beautiful off-road racetrack one after another, and personally tested the Zhengzhou Nissan Navara and Ruiqi 6, which won the championships in the mass production group in this year’s Ring Tower and Silk Road Rally. , to experience the excellent performance of Zhengzhou Nissan pickup trucks, exchange off-road driving skills with the drivers of Zhengzhou Nissan Navara team, feel the glory of the championship and the charm of off-road life.

Personally test Zhengzhou Nissan pickup truck duo to experience the fun of off-road driving

This experience camp selects a professional off-road racing venue, and sets up 8 experience items including wading pits, U-shaped bends, rock pits, small humps, and big humps, so that everyone can fully experience Zhengzhou Nissan Pickup Gemini on various road conditions. excellent performance. The 3 Navara racing cars were fully prepared, the racing driver Song Haitao and his racing coach team were full of energy, and they brought the Zhengzhou Nissan Navara Racing Team’s glory in the off-road rally to the experience camp. Participants from all over Sichuan showed great interest. The registration situation was very enthusiastic. When they came to the venue, they drove on the track one after another to try their skills.

Personally test Zhengzhou Nissan pickup truck duo to experience the fun of off-road driving

In this year’s two world-class races, the Ring of Towers and the Silk Road Rally, the Zhengzhou Nissan Navara Racing Team went through more than 10,000 kilometers of intense competition and cruel tests of various extreme road conditions. The mass production champion of the two major competitions.

Personally test Zhengzhou Nissan pickup truck duo to experience the fun of off-road driving

The so-called mass production group means that on the basis of the original mass-produced cars (commercial cars), according to the requirements of the competition rules of the China Automobile Federation, the racing cars only carry out safety modifications on the anti-roll cage, safety seats, seat belts, explosion-proof fuel tanks, etc. Original for production cars.

Personally test Zhengzhou Nissan pickup truck duo to experience the fun of off-road driving

Navara adopts Nissan QR25 engine, which has strong power and proven reliability in the market. It adopts all-terrain electronically controlled four-wheel drive system and electronic knob, which can realize random switching without stopping at a speed of less than 100 kilometers per hour, ensuring power under various road conditions need. During the rally, Navarra maintained a good power output when the engine rotated at high speed for a long time in the low-speed four-wheel drive state, and the operation was not affected in any way. The stable quality made the racers admire.

Personally test Zhengzhou Nissan pickup truck duo to experience the fun of off-road driving

The Navarra racing car that came to the experience camp provides an opportunity for everyone to intuitively understand that the Navarra racing car is highly consistent with the mass-produced car, and feel the reliable quality of the Navarra racing on the off-road track and winning the championship bravely. Over the continuous big hump, driving across the rocky beach, Navarra and Rich 6 are galloping and colliding, and the strong power can be seen at a glance. Flicking and moving in continuous U-shaped curves fully reflects the good handling of the vehicle. The 10-meter-long wading pit became even more expansive after the rain, and the track was even more muddy. However, with good passability, Navarra and Rich 6 were fearless, and there were bursts of water splashing while galloping, vividly interpreting the With the excitement of off-road driving.

Personally test Zhengzhou Nissan pickup truck duo to experience the fun of off-road driving

As the support car for the Zhengzhou Nissan Navara Racing Team, Rich 6 is Navarra’s right-hand man to win the championship. During the race, it also experienced the cruel test of difficult and complicated road conditions. Ruiqi 6 is built on the Navara platform, with the same technology, same quality, same production line, and same service network as Navara. It also has joint venture genes and domestic prices. It is the quality benchmark of domestic mid-to-high-end pickups. In the off-road track of the experience camp, they galloped with Navara and jointly demonstrated the excellent product performance of Zhengzhou Nissan pickup trucks.

Personally test Zhengzhou Nissan pickup truck duo to experience the fun of off-road driving

Due to the impact of rainfall, the field has more water and is more slippery, which increases the difficulty of driving. However, everyone also has the opportunity to learn and try driving skills in complex road conditions under the guidance of the racing coach, and enjoy more off-road fun.

Personally test Zhengzhou Nissan pickup truck duo to experience the fun of off-road driving

It is reported that in conjunction with this experience event, in order to allow consumers to better enjoy the high-quality off-road life brought by Navara and Ruiqi 6, Zhengzhou Nissan franchise stores in Yibin and Luzhou have also prepared special car purchase policies. Help consumers to participate in events and enjoy wonderful off-road life.

Personally test Zhengzhou Nissan pickup truck duo to experience the fun of off-road driving

Through cross-country events, Zhengzhou Nissan has always insisted on sharing cross-country spirit and culture with consumers, and being a partner and assistant of consumers’ quality life. On this basis, I believe that more and more people will become attached to Zhengzhou Nissan, fall in love with Navarra, fall in love with Rich 6, fall in love with off-road life, and enjoy an unruly life.