2019 Alxa Heroes Club Official Gossip

In July, when some other activities seemed to confuse the public, someone asked: Is this year’s hero meeting not in Alxa?

In August, when the official news of the Heroes Club was delayed and rumors abounded, someone asked: Will this year’s Heroes Club still be held?

But in fact, these problems are not problems at all.

The venue for the Heroes Club will be permanently located in Alxa in 2013.

Heroes will only have this one, and the others have nothing to do with it.

Heroes will, will not not do, will not be absent.

2019 Alxa Heroes Club Official Gossip

 Because the Tengger Desert in Alxa is the place where tens of millions of members of the e-family dream about, because the Hero Club is no longer just a totem in the hearts of off-roaders, its attention and influence have already reached hundreds of millions Thousands of dollars.

 On October 1, 2013, the cross-country e-group and the Alxa Left Banner Government of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region announced that the “Heroes Club” founded by the off-road e-group will determine Alxa Left Banner as the permanent venue for the Heroes Club from 2013 onwards. The event was named “Cross-Road E-Clan Alxa Heroes Meeting”.

2019 Alxa Heroes Club Official Gossip

 Therefore, this grand event has always belonged to off-roaders, and it will not leave and cannot be separated from the support of tens of millions of e-family members. People from the e clan have always been the protagonists of this event, and the Alashan Heroes Club has always been the year of the people from the e clan.

2019 Alxa Heroes Club Official Gossip

 Many people are curious to guess who is the leader of this year’s hero meeting. In fact, the information of the organizer and organizer has always been made public.

 Sponsor: Alxa Left Banner People’s Government;

 Organizers: CEC Zhiyun Holdings Co., Ltd., Off-Road Yizu (Beijing) Sports Events Co., Ltd., Alxa League Cultural Tourism Investment and Development Co., Ltd., Alxa League Dream Car Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd.

So, who is CLP Zhiyun? It is the new owner of Alxa Dream Park and is participating in the reorganization of off-road e-family Alxa Heroes Club and related projects. For the 2019 Alashan Heroes Meeting to be held as scheduled, CEC Zhiyun, as the capital, played a big role and made a lot of efforts.

 All forces are working hard, but change will take time. And times are tight right now.

2019 Alxa Heroes Club Official Gossip

 In terms of the infrastructure of the base camp, the repair and construction work has already been carried out intensively, but due to the rush of time, the infrastructure on site may not be fully improved and upgraded according to the expected plan. But don’t we come to the desert to experience the outdoor life? What’s more, in the hinterland of Tengger, the free camp also has a full range of water and electricity. Thinking about the days when you brought your own generator and water in the early years, isn’t this condition good now? If you want to feel the five-star camp and service, it is recommended to go to the hotel, it is really difficult to satisfy in the desert.

 I would like to thank the government, employers and other parties for their huge human, material and financial resources, just to make our home—heroes—better. (Of course, economic interests must be considered. But think about it, if there is no funds, if there is no healthy business operation, how can it last long? How can it be grand?)

2019 Alxa Heroes Club Official Gossip

 In terms of site traffic, in order to ensure smooth roads, some new planning adjustments have been made this year. However, facing the flow of millions of people, it is expected that there may still be traffic jams for some time. This desert accepts us. Please also give it some understanding.

 The police force in Azuo Banner is actually very limited. In previous years, the government would even suspend the normal business of the vehicle management office in advance, and dispatched police officers or seconded police officers from other places to assist the Heroes Association’s traffic. They often have to stick to their posts from six o’clock in the morning to midnight. For eight consecutive years, everyone comes here for the festival every November, but they have no holidays. This year is the ninth year. Think about how they have to serve millions of people for counseling and consultation under the wind and sun, and occasionally encounter some people who make troubles for no reason, pick quarrels and cause trouble… and this year, because it is the 70th anniversary of the motherland, it is even more difficult to second from other places to the police, so the workload of the on-site staff is even heavier. So, really please forgive me.

2019 Alxa Heroes Club Official Gossip

 In addition, with regard to environmental protection, the Azuo Banner government and related units invest a lot of manpower and material resources every year. I believe that every real off-roader and real e-clan member has always attached great importance to environmental protection. The Hero Club is our common dream, and the Tengger Desert is our common home. Every participant has the obligation and responsibility to maintain its cleanliness, be his own hero, be himself, and protect the desert.

2019 Alxa Heroes Club Official Gossip

 After the road survey of the Heroes Meeting, I attended a government coordination and promotion meeting. What I felt was that everyone was concerned about everything. The Azuo Banner government was paying attention and coordinating. Environmental protection, small aspects of how to solve the use of liquefied petroleum gas on the campsite and price control, they are all working hard to solve.

 Alxa Heroes Club, as a car culture event attended by millions of people, is no longer just a company’s behavior, it is the joint efforts of the Inner Mongolia Azuo Banner government and various forces.

2019 Alxa Heroes Club Official Gossip

 Last year’s Douyin, the most popular platform on the Internet, was second only to Tiananmen’s content in terms of playback volume during the 11th National Day holiday. But even as grand as it is, it still has its problems. So don’t expect it to be perfect, because nothing will be perfect in the first place.

2019 Alxa Heroes Club Official Gossip

 Finally, I would like to share again what the old man of Sichuan University said when he participated in the hero meeting: “To be honest, the camp is not perfect, but what does it matter? You are here to play in the sand, to meet friends, to drink, to talk in love…”

The true colors of heroes, celebrate the birthday together!

The countdown is 20 days, it’s time to go home for the New Year!

2019 Alashan Heroes Meeting, without talking about anything else, I just want to invite you to be your own hero together!