Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

The T3 Desert Challenge, which has gone through thirteen years, is a long-distance journey that condenses complexes and beliefs, and a long journey that brings together brothers and friendship. The desolate desert highlights the tenacity and stalwart of life. The contestants in the T3 challenge explained the endeavor and unyielding of off-roaders with their actions. In the spirit of unity, teamwork, and reunion, the T3 challenge swims across the sandy sea, drives the world with four wheels, and enhances the cohesion of the Chinese people while enjoying the unique customs of the desert.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

What exactly is T3?

The full name of T3 Challenge is Team-3 Challenge. The T3 Challenge is a competition that requires 3 cars to form a team, and does not record the results of the bike, and the purpose is to work as a team. The T3 Challenge combines team spirit and extreme competition. It is a competition that tests the teamwork of the participants and cultivates a sense of collective honor. In the T3 Challenge, it is not only a competition of vehicle driving skills, but also a competition of will. The true meaning and essence of cross-country is the courage to challenge, fearless, indomitable cross-country spirit and teamwork spirit in the competition.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Introduction to 2019 Heroes T3 Challenge

The 14th Alxa Heroes Meeting T3 Challenge in 2019 is divided into four groups: professional group, large displacement group (above 3.1), small displacement group (below 3.0 including 3.0), and female group. The competition is divided into two groups. Two parts: qualifying and finals; in qualifying, each car group selects a participating vehicle and racer as a representative to participate in the competition. Qualifying results will not be brought into the final, but will only determine the grid position for the final. The final is for a three-car team, and the track is in the Tengger Desert. The final stage is a circular desert track with a length of about 156 kilometers.


1. Every 6 cars is a single starting group.

2. There is no “lot selection” before the game, and the numbers are arranged from small to large and from left to right

3. In the qualifying race for single-person bicycles, each group selects a participating vehicle and racer as a representative.

4. Check-in point: Please report at the check-in area on time. It is forbidden to repair the car after the car enters the check-in area. All participating drivers are required to report on time. When other participating vehicles in this group arrive at the starting position and meet the conditions for starting, the vehicles in their group that have not registered will be disqualified from the competition.

5. Starting point (START): Follow the arrangement of the referee and take the seat. You must wear a safety helmet and fasten your seat belt. The referee stretches out the green flag for the countdown, and the double flags wave to start the race. A time penalty of 30 seconds for an early start on the grid, and the start referee waved the green flag for 20 seconds and did not start the car shall be deemed to withdraw from the race.

6. Sprint point (FF): When the black and white checkered flag is seen, the race is over. Drivers who run one more lap will be counted according to the actual time. Reverse driving is strictly prohibited on the track.

7. End point (STOP): After the car passes the sprint point, immediately slow down and drive to the end point at a low speed, follow the referee’s instructions and pass without signing.

8. Inside the track:

(1) If a fault occurs during the game, you can save yourself. When the self-rescue time reaches the maximum time for the current stage, a forced rescue will be implemented. The time for the current stage is the maximum time.

(2) If the four rounds go out of bounds and return from the original road, the result will be valid; otherwise, the time spent in the current competition stage will be the maximum time given.

(3) If there is a major collision on the track that affects the normal passage or requires emergency rescue, a red flag will be displayed, and the cars on the track will follow the referee’s command and return to the starting area at a low speed to start again.


1. The interval between the departure of the first ten vehicles in each group is 2 minutes, and the interval between the departure of the eleventh vehicle is 1 minute.

2. Check-in area: All participating car groups are required to check-in on time, obey the referee’s command and order, and receive a time card. The stickers on cars that have nothing to do with the race will be removed or covered.

3. Departure area: Depart according to the order of departure, using semaphore. There will be a 30-second penalty for running ahead of the grid, and you must wear a safety helmet and fasten your seat belt! Teams without helmets are not allowed to start.

4. Sprint point: The sprint time will be recorded only when the racing car passes the sprint point and enters the horn head-on, and the sprint at other positions is invalid.

5. End point: After the car passes the sprint point, it must decelerate and stop when it reaches the end point. The time card will be handed over to the end referee, and the race time of the car group will be confirmed and signed on the end point record sheet.

6. Data group: After confirming the time spent by each vehicle group at the destination, hand over the GPS to the data group to check its driving track.

7. PC and WPV points: PC points strictly check the car number, and it is strictly forbidden for one driver to take the time card of other car groups other than his own group, one card for each car, and his own card.

8. Punishment

(1) A time penalty of 30 seconds for an early start at the starting point;

(2) A time penalty of 1 hour for each lack of a PC point (accumulated time penalty for the 3 time cards of this car group);

(3) A penalty of 30 minutes for each lack of a WPV point (cumulative penalty time), WPV radius (to be determined);

(4) Other time penalties (to be determined).

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Past review

Since most of the teams in the first session ran into the desert ignorantly, we still ran the entire distance even when we couldn’t figure out how to deflate the tires. Of course, the 40-kilometer track will also become a purgatory trip for some teams. Last year, it was 142Km Although the distance and difficulty of the route are increasing, the professional quality and proficient driving skills shown by the current drivers are not the same as in the past, and they are more calm and composed when facing the desert. After 13 years of T3 Desert Challenge, from the first knowledge of the desert to the familiarity, it is an inevitable growth process. With the progress of the Heroes Association, we have gradually matured. From Ongniud, Kubuqi to Tengger, we grew up all the way.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction


In 2006, 16 provincial teams, nearly 300 off-road vehicles and more than 1,000 people from all over the country participated in the Wengniute Hero Club. In the first T3 Challenge, 15 teams participated and 5 teams finished.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

The T3 (Team 3 Challenge) challenge is the main activity of the Wengniute Heroes Club. Each provincial brigade selects 3 cars to form a team to participate in the sand crossing competition. The competition route is a circular sandy field with a length of about 30 kilometers. The track is mostly composed of large undulating comprehensive sandy terrain. There are 7 check-in points set up on the track. The 3 cars of a team all pass through the 7 check-in points in order, get 21 opening points and then cross the finish line to complete the race. If the team fails to reach the finish line within 6 hours after the start, it will be counted as overtime exit.

Each team must have at least one vehicle with a displacement of less than 3.0 and a four-cylinder engine. There is no restriction on supercharging or modification. The number of participants in each team must not exceed 7, and one of them is also a member of the brigade. .

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction


In 2007, the Kubuqi Heroes Meeting gathered 54 motorcades, 500 vehicles and more than 1,000 family members from all over the country. In terms of the comprehensiveness, interest and difficulty of the terrain, the track of this challenge ranks the leading position in the current domestic competition.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

This year’s T3 Desert Challenge will be held in the core area of ​​Kubuqi Desert. The desert track is circular, with a mileage of about 55 kilometers. There are a total of 5 check-in points on the final track, and a double time limit is implemented: the time limit from the starting point to the second check-in point is 2 hours, and the whole journey is limited to 7 hours. The final was held in the rain. The continuous drizzle wet the desert, making the track much easier to walk than on sunny days. Even so, the intensity and cruelty of the competition did not decrease at all. Finally, 39 teams finished the race.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction


In the 2008 Seven Star Lake Heroes Meeting, the participating tribes came from 22 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions across the country. Together with sightseeing vehicles, more than 500 off-road vehicles met in Seven Star Lake. The final track of this T3 Challenge is a desert road section with a total length of about 80 kilometers. There are 67 participating teams. 26 teams completed the race within the specified time, and the completion rate was only 40%.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

The track for the preliminaries is a closed sand dune track next to the base camp of the Heroes Club. The three cars of each team must participate at the same time. Team results are counted. The starting order of the preliminaries is determined by drawing lots. The starting order of the final is determined by the results of the preliminaries, and the winners of the results start first. The starting interval between teams is 3-5 minutes. The final track is set in a petal shape, with both the starting and ending points at the base camp. There are 5 check-in points tentatively set up on the track, and the team must receive the pass in order, with a time limit of 8 hours for the whole journey.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction


The 2009 Seven Star Lake Heroes Meeting kicked off on the banks of the Seven Star Lake in the hinterland of the Kubuqi Desert in Inner Mongolia. There were 63 vehicle groups, 189 participating vehicles, 400 drivers, more than 2,000 tourists from 23 provinces and cities across the country, and more than 2,000 domestic tourists. Media reporters participated in the event.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

This year is different from the previous ones, T3 set up a 90-kilometer long-distance final. Among them, 4 PC points are set, and the maximum time is 8 hours. Each racing car receives the clearance card in order, and implements a double time limit for the end point and the interception point. PC3 to PC4 are relatively difficult, and there are large sand beams as high as 200 meters, which will cause a lot of trouble for the drivers. This year’s China Auto Sports Federation sent a race supervisor, and Chinese car king Lu Ningjun also enthusiastically participated in the race to experience the fun of a folk off-road event.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

The eight-hour time limit is very tight for a difficult track with a length of more than 90 kilometers. In addition, the design of this year’s track is more challenging than previous years. The continuous, huge sand hills with inverted slopes between PC3 and PC4 stand proudly, becoming the most severe test for the racers. In order to ensure the quality of the event, this T3 Challenge will limit the number of participating teams. Each provincial brigade is limited to two participating teams; One team only.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction


In 2010, the Chongli Heroes Association bid farewell to the familiar desert yellow sand and came to the muddy river valley. About 3,000 people participated in the Heroes Meeting this year. There are 270 participating vehicles and 1,500 participating vehicles.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

The final stage of this T3 River Valley Challenge is divided into two stages, of which the special stage is about 30 kilometers, the driving stage is about 30 kilometers, and the total race distance is about 60 kilometers. The road conditions of the first stage are mainly water-bearing river valleys and sandy land, and the width of the stage is between 30-100 meters. This stage can best reflect the characteristics of the T3 teamwork system, which requires that the cars in the car group can cooperate with each other to complete the race. Individual wading road sections seem to be unremarkable, but they contain a great danger of getting stuck. The second special stage is dominated by cobblestone river beach road conditions, and the racing vehicles can pass smoothly and safely while maintaining a reasonable speed. Although the track is full of rocks, if the racing vehicles can find the optimal passing route under the correct guidance of the pilot or the leading car. In addition, there are some natural barriers formed after sand mining in this section, which can not only become an obstacle in your progress, but also a pass for you to surpass your opponent. In the end, 63 teams completed the race.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction


The 6th Alxa Heroes Meeting in 2011 attracted more than 10,000 people from 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions across the country, including more than 5,000 cross-country e-family members. In addition to 180 participating teams and 540 racing cars, there were more than 3,000 vehicles Sightseeing vehicles and more than 100 ATVs participated in the meeting.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

In order to improve safety and viewing, this year’s T3 adopts a circular track. The length of a single lap of the T3 track is about 30 kilometers, with a total of 5 laps, and the total length of the track is about 150 kilometers. The estimated time for the whole track is 4 hours, and the maximum time (closing time) is 8 hours. The final score ranking of the T3 challenge is based on the time spent on finishing the race, and the one with the shortest time is ranked first. The calculation method for the time to finish the race is: time to pass the finish line – starting time + penalty time = time to finish the race. There are 4 PC points in the T3 track, and a double-pass checkpoint system is adopted. All 7 PC stamps must be collected on the clearance card of each car of the T3 team, and a time penalty of 2 hours will be imposed for each missing PC stamp. In the end, 66 teams completed the race.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction


In 2012, the 7th Alxa Heroes Meeting was held in the Bayanhot Tungulegnur area of ​​Azuo Banner. 1,086 contestants and more than 7,300 off-road vehicles from 181 teams from Beijing, Liaoning, Xinjiang and other provinces (municipalities), autonomous regions, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan gathered in Alxa to appreciate the magic, grandeur, vastness, and variety of Alxa. ethnic customs.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

The total length of the desert section of this T3 Challenge is about 130 kilometers, which is the longest section in the previous Heroes Meeting. Covering high sand, A-beams, low dunes, and desert roads. Among them, there are not many places called high-sand areas. The main reason is that there are some sand beams around pc2-3 that need to be climbed. It is very easy to climb over as long as you choose a good road. Generally speaking, it is not the so-called sand beams that are time-consuming and labor-intensive, but the small sand beams that are similar to last year’s competition. In some areas, the direction of sand beams is not fixed. When crossing these sand beams, it is a headache to pass vertically. The problem is that the sand beam is not big, but it can just jam the chassis. There are too many sand beams, which makes it difficult to guard against.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction


More than 270 teams from all over the country competed fiercely in the 8th Alxa Heroes Meeting in 2013. The total length of the competition track is 150Km, 4 PC points are set, and the maximum time is 6 hours.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

The total length of this track is about 150Km, and there are not many high-sand areas. This year’s stage is more endurance, not difficult, but not easy to run. There is a grassy road for the departure 5Km, hard soil road, very narrow, and it is forbidden to overtake the car in front. Turn left and jump into the desert after reaching the mandatory passing point 1, and you can see the desert at the high point after 50Km. Gaosha didn’t give too much, it was for more people to complete the game and ensure safety. The last 10Km is a high-speed stage, desert road.

The number of teams in this competition has reached the highest in history, among which there are many well-known teams, such as Panda Racing Team, Tianhe Buji Racing Team, etc. Jiang Yaohuan, Huang Fengge and many other well-known players participated in the competition. There was a strong wind blowing in the desert, which added a lot of difficulties to the navigation and driving of the vehicles. The competition was extremely intense. The complex terrain conditions and the interference of the flying sand all over the sky caused a lot of trouble for the participating vehicles, but There are also quite a few teams that overcame difficulties and finally completed the race.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction


The 2014 Ninth Alxa Heroes Club T3 final started at the Alxa Heroes Club camp at 8:30 am on October 6th. 100 teams, 300 cars, and 600 members who stood out from the qualifiers participated in this competition. games.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

The T3 final track is a desert road section, with 3 PC points and 6 WPV points, with a total length of 115 kilometers. Part of the track overlaps with the T3 qualifiers, and the final form is basically the same as previous years.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

This event is the first time to use the parking and overtaking alarms used in professional rally races, provided by the off-road e-family, and Jiahong GPS to assist in the installation and debugging. Part of the route overlaps with the route of the Chinese Grand Cross-Country Competition, so that members of the off-road e-family from the private sector can experience the race route of a professional rally in the Hero Club. The overall strength of the finalists’ vehicles has been greatly improved through the elimination-based qualifiers.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction


The 10th Alxa Heroes T3 Challenge in 2015 is different from 2014 in that there is no preliminaries elimination system. In the end, 183 sets of 273 sets of cars were successfully sent out, and a total of about 549 sets of cars and more than 1,000 members participated in the competition.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

The final track of this T3 Challenge is a full desert track, with a total of 4 PC points, and the whole track is about 142 kilometers. The difficulty level of this year’s track can be said to be the highest in previous years. Compared with previous years, the difficulty has increased a lot, especially in the PC3 section. There are about 4 large sand beams to climb over, and the relative drop of the sand hill at PC3 point has reached 1400m. The requirements for their own technology and racing conditions are very high.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

This T3 competition uses a new team mode, that is, a team needs to have at least one civilian mass-produced off-road vehicle to participate in the competition. That is to say, the dynasty of the three professional racing cars that ruled the competition in previous years has fallen, and the new competition system will be more fun and fair for member drivers who drive civilian off-road vehicles. also increased significantly.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction


In the 11th Alxa Heroes Association T3 Challenge in 2016, detailed grouping was carried out, including the distinction between professional group, mass production group and small displacement (mass production group). These differences make the competition more fair and reasonable.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

The difficulty level of the T3 track in 2016 is also considered the highest level in domestic competitions. The 120Km pure desert route covers continuous sand dunes and high sand areas; Except for exceptions, the difficulty of the T3 track is no less than that of other national competitions.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction


More than 100 teams and more than 300 cars signed up for the 12th Alxa Heroes T3 Desert Challenge in 2017. In terms of event grouping, the professional division rules of last year are still continued: it is divided into unlimited modification group, mass production row There are four levels in the volume group (displacement of 3.1 and above), the small displacement group of mass production (displacement of 3.0 and below), and the women’s group.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

This year’s T3 Desert Challenge still uses the competition method of preliminaries + finals. In the final, there are still three cars participating, and after a circle around the five-star stadium, they will enter the desert long-distance stage. The rules of the finals are that the first 10 groups of cars will start at intervals of 2 minutes, and from the 11th group onwards, they will start at intervals of 1 minute.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction


The 13th Alxa Heroes Association T3 Challenge in 2018 is divided into professional group, mass production large displacement group (3.1 and above displacement), mass production small displacement group (3.0 and below displacement), women’s group four Each group adopts the competition method of preliminaries + finals.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

The difficulty level of the track this time is basically the same as last year. The length of the track is still about 142 kilometers. Three cars will participate in the competition. After a circle around the five-star stadium, they will enter the desert long-distance stage and start a 120-kilometer desert stage.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Starting from the five-star arena, along the lakes of Little Swan Lake-kiss Lake-Amu Shen Lake-Holy Water Lake-Golden Sand Sea-Ait Lake, these lakes are used as the connection point of this track. Among them, from Amu Shen Lake to Mount Everest in the desert to the golden sand sea, the difficulty has increased, which is the most difficult section of the entire track. This is also the first clockwise section selected in various competitions since the Alxa T3 Heroes Meeting in 2011. Here There are many high sands, especially all inverted slopes, and the track has a high degree of difficulty, which will become a long-term memory in many people’s minds.

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

Road of Heroes T3 Desert Challenge Introduction

The journey of T3 is the epitome of the 2013 Heroes Club. 13 years is not a long time, the first T3 event is as vivid as yesterday; 13 years is not a short time, the young man who was a boy back then is now showing his first silver thread.

With the footsteps of T3, we continue to move forward on the road of growth, because of off-roading, we have reaped unusual happiness, and because of off-roading, we have obtained brothers who have been hand in hand for a lifetime. Wonderful together, we have no regrets in this life.

This article is compiled in the forum, thanks to all the recorders of the Hero Club!