Dacheng Automobile: Find a new way out with new ideas and achieve a new “leap”

On September 5, 2019, the 22nd Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition was grandly held in Western China International Expo City. This year’s auto show launched a new theme of “Smart Gathering in Rongcheng • Happy Driving V”, attracting more than 130 auto brands to gather in Rongcheng, exhibiting more than 1,600 vehicles, with a total exhibition scale of 200,000 square meters.

At present, the overall downward pressure on China’s auto industry is increasing, and auto companies generally face the unfavorable situation of declining sales volume and increasing survival pressure. In such a new stage of “speed reduction adjustment and kinetic energy conversion”, it is even more necessary for the majority of car companies to change their thinking and find new paths before they can break through.

As the leading place for major brands to explore the western market, this year’s Chengdu Auto Show undoubtedly received more attention than previous years. Dacheng Automobile made its debut at the Chengdu Auto Show as a leader in new car manufacturing. Adhering to the “Leaping Concept” and a new attitude of “New Fields, New Cooperation, and New Intelligent Manufacturing”, Dacheng Motors faces the majority of users and the future domestic and international auto markets. The upcoming “Golden September and Silver October” sales season is gearing up.

Dacheng Automobile: Find a new way out with new ideas and achieve a new

New fields: orange marketing, our team help strategic breakthrough

The automotive industry is facing profound changes, especially channel models and user thinking are undergoing tremendous changes. In order to explore new fields of automobile new retail and travel services, Dacheng Automobile officially released the new retail strategy of “Orange Marketing” and the “My Fleet” online car-hailing project during the Chengdu Auto Show.

Dacheng Automobile: Find a new way out with new ideas and achieve a new

Ming Jinbo, vice president of Dacheng Automobile Group and general manager of the sales company, released the “orange marketing” strategy on the spot

Dacheng Auto’s new retail strategy – “orange marketing” aims to optimize the existing sales model, open up new areas of auto retail, and comprehensively upgrade the overall marketing model of Dacheng Auto through empowering channels to sink. The core of “Orange Marketing” is to create a private domain traffic pool for Mahayana, through the three-dimensional combination of the “Orange Club” for the Internet, the “Orange Store” for terminals, and the partners of Orange Gong for mass entrepreneurship, to connect online and offline The car purchase channel fully serves users. Among them, the “Orange Power Partner” project is a new model of “starting a business with zero cost to be the boss” pioneered by Mahayana Automobile. It responds to the national “innovation-driven development strategy” and helps “mass entrepreneurship and innovation”. Since the recruitment of “Orange Gong Partners” from the public, the number of registered users has reached 40,000, the transaction volume has exceeded 1,000 units, and the cumulative rewards issued have exceeded 2 million yuan.

“My Fleet” is an online car-hailing brand led by Dacheng Automobile’s strategic investment. It has achieved the first city debut in Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province a week before the Chengdu Auto Show. As a new army in the field of online car-hailing, “My Family Fleet” takes “family culture” as its core service concept, and is based in third- and fourth-tier cities to create a brand-new “quality small town” label.

Dacheng Automobile: Find a new way out with new ideas and achieve a new

Yang Guohua, General Manager of “My Fleet” online car-hailing, made a presentation on the spot

In terms of operation, the “My Fleet” car-hailing car has a mature APP support, combined with the B2C operation model of standardized services, and at the same time linked to the “Chenggong Partner” digital marketing platform to create a “mobile 4S store” for the car-hailing platform, which can Realize the win-win mechanism of light capital and heavy asset operation; In terms of user experience, all the current operating vehicles of “My Fleet” are the new SUV model G60S of Dacheng Automobile, which is spacious and comfortable to ride. At the same time, it has spent a lot of manpower, material resources and Time is used for driver recruitment, training efficient, standardized and systematic management system. This not only improves the service quality of my fleet, but also greatly helps improve the user experience.

Through the release of the innovation results in the above two new fields, it is not difficult to find that Dacheng Automobile is seeking positive countermeasures in the face of industry changes, and also maintains sufficient market sensitivity and adaptability for a new brand. With the help of “Orange Marketing” and “My Fleet”, Dacheng Automobile will continue to deepen the new marketing field with user experience as the core, deploy the travel service field, and complete the strategic breakthrough with a diversified business model.

New cooperation: Dacheng Motors joins hands with the Theater Festival and China High Speed ​​Rail

Undoubtedly, this is an era of win-win cooperation and resource sharing. During the Chengdu Auto Show, Dacheng Automobile also launched two important cooperation projects.

The Jiangxi production base of Dacheng Motor is located in Fuzhou, which is the hometown of Tang Xianzu, a world-renowned drama master. To commemorate this famous dramatist who was a contemporary of Shakespeare and Cervantes, the Tang Xianzu International Theater Festival and International Theater Exchange Month was officially established in 2017. Promoted major events. The 2019 Tang Xianzu International Theater Festival will be held in October, and the Dacheng car was selected by the event organizing committee as the official designated car. At the press conference, Xu Jianping, deputy director of the Culture, Radio, Television, Press, Publication and Tourism Bureau of Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, awarded the plaque to Mr. Ming Jinbo, the vice president of Dacheng Automobile Group and the general manager of the sales company. Monthly designated car, to provide distinguished service of high-quality domestic cars for all guests and international friends.

Dacheng Automobile: Find a new way out with new ideas and achieve a new

Xu Jianping (pictured left), deputy director of Jiangxi Fuzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Press, Publication and Tourism, awarded a license to Ming Jinbo (pictured right), vice president of Dacheng Automobile Group and general manager of the sales company

In addition, following the Mahayana brand promotional film “Wu Xiao, come on!” which landed on CCTV, a national media, “After winning the Brand Gold Award of the Career International Innovation Award, Dacheng Automobile also cooperated with another “national famous brand” – China High-speed Railway, and officially launched the “Dahren Automobile Number” high-speed rail special train project. Lu Liming, the authorized advertising service provider of China’s high-speed rail and chairman of Huatie Media Group Co., Ltd., presented the model of the “Dahren Automobile Number” high-speed rail train to Dacheng Motors at the launch site. It is believed that in the near future, the high-speed train of “Dahren Automobile” is expected to gallop on the land of China.

Dacheng Automobile: Find a new way out with new ideas and achieve a new

Chairman of Huatie Media Group Co., Ltd. Lu Liming (left in the picture) presented the model of the high-speed rail train “Dahren Automobile Number” to Dacheng Automobile

New Intelligent Manufacturing: The Nirvana and Rebirth of the National Automobile Industry

2019 is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and the 70th birthday of the Republic has added a different festive atmosphere to this year’s Chengdu Auto Show. In fact, 2019 is also a special year for Mahayana. This year is the first full year of operation after the asset reorganization of Dacheng Automobile Co., Ltd. Jiangling Group Light Vehicle Co., Ltd. and the construction of Jiangxi Dacheng Automobile Technology Industrial Park. At the same time, Nanchang Automobile Factory, the predecessor of Dacheng Automobile, was established in 1969. anniversary day. Over the past 50 years, Nanchang Automobile Factory has changed hands several times and changed its name several times. The unremitting efforts of several generations of automakers at different stages, such as Niche Co., Ltd., Jiangling Group Light Automobile Co., Ltd., and Jiangxi Dacheng Automobile Co., Ltd., have made the flames of Fuzhou’s automobile industry continue to this day. In the past 50 years, three governors of Jiangxi Province have successively visited the enterprise for inspection and guidance. In 1986, Wu Guanzheng, then governor of Jiangxi Province, inspected the Fuqi Automobile Factory, the predecessor of Dacheng Automobile; in 2014, Lu Xinshe, then governor of Jiangxi Province, inspected Dacheng Motors was formerly known as Jiangling Light Automobile; in 2019, Yi Lianhong, Governor of Jiangxi Province, inspected Dacheng Motors.

Dacheng Automobile: Find a new way out with new ideas and achieve a new

Cao Guanghong (left), former director of Fuzhou Fuqi Automobile Factory, and Wu Xiao (right), chairman of Dacheng Automobile Group, exchanged souvenirs

Also relying on the late-mover advantages of “new intelligent manufacturing” such as Industry 4.0, intelligent manufacturing, and intelligent network connection, Dacheng Automobile revitalized an old automobile company with a long history of 50 years, and reborn Fuzhou’s automobile industry from nirvana. Usher in a new round of golden development period. When Cao Guanghong, the former director of the Fuzhou Fuqi Automobile Factory and an 84-year-old senior Chinese automaker, exchanged souvenirs with Wu Xiao, the chairman of Mahayana Automobile Group, a new power in China, this is a very memorable moment. , has spanned the rise and fall of China’s auto industry for fifty years, and also reflects the “passing the torch” of generations of Chinese automakers who are full of ideals, missions, and passions.

Dacheng Automobile: Find a new way out with new ideas and achieve a new

Precious gifts: “Auto Parts Atlas Catalog” compiled by Jiangxi Fuqi Automobile Factory (picture left), Jiangxi Bamianshan Automobile Factory produced “Machining Process Data Selection” (picture right)

In October of this year, New China will usher in its 70th birthday. At the same time, the automobile industry of New China has also gone through a full 60 years of wind and rain. From Nanchang Automobile Factory to Dacheng Automobile, the development of Fuzhou’s automobile industry for 50 years Like a “living fossil” that has gone through vicissitudes and reappeared, it has witnessed and recorded the rise and fall of “China’s local car manufacturing”. It also reflects the “passing the torch” of generations of Chinese Autobots who are full of ideals, missions and passions.

Fifty years is already “half a hundred” in a person’s life, but in terms of the longer development coordinates of China’s car manufacturing in the future, fifty years is just the right year. As the saying goes, “run away for half your life, and come back as a teenager”. From Nanchang Automobile Factory all the way to Dacheng Automobile, the extraordinary fifty years of Fuzhou Automobile Industry, like a phoenix bird reborn from the ashes, persevered and worked hard. Finally, we finally ushered in maturity, stability and strength. In a book “Jiangxi Cross-Century Vision” published in 1992, looking forward to the future development of Jiangxi, he conceived the future of Fuqi Automobile Factory in this way-“At the end of this century, China’s automobile industry has a bright future. Jiangxi Fuqi Automobile The factory will form its own ability to develop and design new models and the level of batch economy, and occupy a certain position in the Chinese off-road vehicle market. Fuqi’s tomorrow will be a bright and beautiful tomorrow.” Such a beautiful vision is gradually being realized with the unremitting efforts of the Mahayana Autobots.